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Unlock Your Athletic Potential: Harness the Power of Fascia
Unlock Your Athletic Potential: Harness the Power of Fascia Within every athlete lies a hidden source of strength, resilience, and...
The Principle
The principle: When you understand the game you dont panik Mastery Stacking: So many people make the mistake of...
How it all started
About probably 10 to 12 years ago I would consider myself a Non Traditional football player, meaning that pretty much everything I was...
Build world-class talent by reverse-engineering natural ability. We’ve created the one and only Blueprint to guide footballers on their journey...
Newborn Athlete 🌡
This is me at Celta Vigo together with Juan Carlos Unzué. Former Goalkeeper for Fc Barcelona, became assistent coach...
Pione Sisto
At Football Ginga, we strive to be the only choice among our competition—achieving success without sacrificing on quality, ethics, or...
#Ginga the hidden treasure behind world class performance
Brazilian football is our preferred research vehicle because the unique environment within which Brazilian players develop expertise provides such rich,...
GOATA stands for the ACTIONS of the GREATEST OF ALL TIME ATHLETES. These extraordinary individuals are the epitome of longevity...